Unforgettable Experience and lesson
2 Kings 6: 1 – 3
1 And the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, "See now, the place where we dwell with you is too small for us. 2 Please, let us go to the Jordan, and let every man take a beam from there, and let us make there a place where we may dwell." So he answered, "Go." 3 Then one said, "Please consent to go with your servants." And he answered, "I will go."
When I heard of this passage, immediately, the word, “anointing” came into my mind. Borrowed anointing… I questioned myself if I “borrowed” the anointing of the people around me to reach out to God or did I really have the anointing of God to minister to people around me.
The level we grow or increases do depend upon the kind of relationship we have. If we are not close with our parents, naturally, quarrels and disagreements will exist. Likewise, what is true in the natural is also true spiritually. When we keep fellowshipping with God, seeking His face everyday, we’ll be more and more like Him and also, will be able to know what His heart’s desires/ plans for us.
The relationships we have, do affect our destinies in life. This is especially true. Whom will a Father give to most, when He wants to give inheritance to His sons, who will He give to; the one who’s closest to Him or the one who’s not?
It does not take one to be a genius or a rocket scientist to know the answer. If one is WISE, they would choose to give to the one who’s closest to.
Also, whom will one confide in? One who’s closest to you or one who’s not even a friend? I realized nowadays, the trend would be to confide in those who are not close; which I find it really “interesting”.
In every form of relationships, there is a “universal” law which will always run in it. It’s called the law of “change”. Bearing in mind that there is a law of “change” in very form and walks of life, we can lose our “edge” without even realizing it.
Humans are habitual beings. There are times when we will lose our “edge”, thus not being able to be as influential/ sharp or get the type of results we used to have, when we have the anointing of God upon us.
The anointing is the edge I have in life. I can’t do anything out of a routine or by own personal power/ wisdom for it’ll all be ineffective and might even fail, despite, by reason, it should work out.
2 Kings 6: 4
4 So he went with them. And when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees. 5 But as one was cutting down a tree, the iron ax head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, "Alas, master! For it was borrowed."
Over here, this certain son of certain prophet was cutting down trees with the rest of the people. There’s nothing wrong in helping or participating. The thing about this person was that he was using a borrowed axe.
This person, should, by right, be anointed and should have joy, peace and an edge in life. However, he lost/ did not bring his own axe but was borrowed!
He might be thinking within his heart “This is just another routine, its ok not to bring my own axe. It’ll get blunt when I am to use my own and it’s all a hassle to sharpen it. I’ll go borrow an axe and I will be able to avoid the trouble of cleaning and sharpening mine.”
However, little did anyone know what will happen to the borrowed axe as it was not known to them what will happen the following day! When the day came for them to Jordan to fall trees, this son of prophet did not realized what is to come. The very moment the axe head flew off, he shout “Alas, Master! For it was borrowed! This man did not treasure what was his but took advantage, out of comfort sake, he borrowed an axe.
In ministry, we ought to realize that the anointing we have is ENTRUSTED by God to us, for ministry! Not something to be taken for granted! The anointing is given and it is us who will maintain and keep that anointing, to grow it, to guard it! Never ever let the devil spit at your face; to despise you! Don’t ever let the devil be the one to spit at your face! Be the one to spit into the face of the evil one and be the one to intimidate the evil one!
What happens when we begin to lose our anointing? We start to search for that something, not realizing that we have already lost it. The devil will then take advantage of this moment and starts to put doubt into our hearts and mind. With doubts “flooding” in the mind and the person not turning to God for counsel, the person starts to get into “identity crisis”.
Let’s look at Jesus. From the Gospel of Matthew all the way to the Gospel of John, He went about everywhere and anywhere to whomever who needs His touch! He was prepared.
Have you ever seen any soldier fighting a battle without being ready for a battle/ caught surprised? Did not the Bible say that we OUGHT to be READY, IN AND OUT OF SEASON?
Therefore, conclusion is that, the anointing is to be worn upon our bodies like clothing. It has to be upon us, daily and every second!
In order for us to be leader, we ought to BE LIKE JESUS!
Notice that whenever Jesus was out ministering, people are always reaching out to Him and always wanting Him to go to their house for dinner? He is like a celebrity BUT MORE!
Now, know what I meant by “BE LIKE JESUS?” Be the one who will minister to others, to help others, to heal others! Don’t be the one who sit by Gate, Beautiful, waiting for things to happen! Be the one to make things happen!
2 Kings 6: 6
6 So the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float.
After the axe head flew off, the son of prophet went to a man of God. The man of God asked a “million dollar” question to the son of prophets. He asked “Where did it fall?”
When ministry/ life become a routine and it does not bring forth results, we got to be truthful to ourselves to find out what went wrong. Jesus said “They shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall SET THEM FREE”
Truths always set people free! It brings freedom to, both the “offender” and those who wants to help. BE HONEST AND TRUTHFUL!
1. NOTICE where we lost it.
- Where we lost that passion, to who and what caused the “downfall”?
If I were to tell you that I am in your country, lost! You too, will ask me that same “million dollar” question “where are you now?” Is it going to help when I say, “I don’t know” or “I think I am here/ there?” Definitely NOT!
If I do not know where I am, how am I going to expect others to know where I am or where I’m lost at? Likewise, if I do not know where I am, how am I going to go to my destinies?
2. We GET HELP from someone “HIGHER” than us.
2 Kings 6: 6
6 So the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float.
This man seeks for help from those who can help him. He HUMBLED himself and let the man of God GUIDE him. He did not care about his “outer man” or pride.
Never be too concern about their “outer man” than to STRENGTHENING” their inner man!
3. Go to someone who still have that “cutting edge”
2 Kings 6: 6
6 So the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float.
As mentioned in the passage, the man of God cut off a stick. This shows that this person is still sharp and not routine in life! He has the ability to impact and to touch lives!
The person who challenges you to be better than what/ who you are today is the person who is able to help you. Be humble, teachable and have a willingness heart/ attitude to learn. In the midst of learning, build a dependency upon God.
God wants us to be Earth Shakers and History Makers! How can we shake the earth when we cannot impact? If we cannot impact others, how can we be History makers?
1 And the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, "See now, the place where we dwell with you is too small for us. 2 Please, let us go to the Jordan, and let every man take a beam from there, and let us make there a place where we may dwell." So he answered, "Go." 3 Then one said, "Please consent to go with your servants." And he answered, "I will go."
When I heard of this passage, immediately, the word, “anointing” came into my mind. Borrowed anointing… I questioned myself if I “borrowed” the anointing of the people around me to reach out to God or did I really have the anointing of God to minister to people around me.
The level we grow or increases do depend upon the kind of relationship we have. If we are not close with our parents, naturally, quarrels and disagreements will exist. Likewise, what is true in the natural is also true spiritually. When we keep fellowshipping with God, seeking His face everyday, we’ll be more and more like Him and also, will be able to know what His heart’s desires/ plans for us.
The relationships we have, do affect our destinies in life. This is especially true. Whom will a Father give to most, when He wants to give inheritance to His sons, who will He give to; the one who’s closest to Him or the one who’s not?
It does not take one to be a genius or a rocket scientist to know the answer. If one is WISE, they would choose to give to the one who’s closest to.
Also, whom will one confide in? One who’s closest to you or one who’s not even a friend? I realized nowadays, the trend would be to confide in those who are not close; which I find it really “interesting”.
In every form of relationships, there is a “universal” law which will always run in it. It’s called the law of “change”. Bearing in mind that there is a law of “change” in very form and walks of life, we can lose our “edge” without even realizing it.
Humans are habitual beings. There are times when we will lose our “edge”, thus not being able to be as influential/ sharp or get the type of results we used to have, when we have the anointing of God upon us.
The anointing is the edge I have in life. I can’t do anything out of a routine or by own personal power/ wisdom for it’ll all be ineffective and might even fail, despite, by reason, it should work out.
2 Kings 6: 4
4 So he went with them. And when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees. 5 But as one was cutting down a tree, the iron ax head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, "Alas, master! For it was borrowed."
Over here, this certain son of certain prophet was cutting down trees with the rest of the people. There’s nothing wrong in helping or participating. The thing about this person was that he was using a borrowed axe.
This person, should, by right, be anointed and should have joy, peace and an edge in life. However, he lost/ did not bring his own axe but was borrowed!
He might be thinking within his heart “This is just another routine, its ok not to bring my own axe. It’ll get blunt when I am to use my own and it’s all a hassle to sharpen it. I’ll go borrow an axe and I will be able to avoid the trouble of cleaning and sharpening mine.”
However, little did anyone know what will happen to the borrowed axe as it was not known to them what will happen the following day! When the day came for them to Jordan to fall trees, this son of prophet did not realized what is to come. The very moment the axe head flew off, he shout “Alas, Master! For it was borrowed! This man did not treasure what was his but took advantage, out of comfort sake, he borrowed an axe.
In ministry, we ought to realize that the anointing we have is ENTRUSTED by God to us, for ministry! Not something to be taken for granted! The anointing is given and it is us who will maintain and keep that anointing, to grow it, to guard it! Never ever let the devil spit at your face; to despise you! Don’t ever let the devil be the one to spit at your face! Be the one to spit into the face of the evil one and be the one to intimidate the evil one!
What happens when we begin to lose our anointing? We start to search for that something, not realizing that we have already lost it. The devil will then take advantage of this moment and starts to put doubt into our hearts and mind. With doubts “flooding” in the mind and the person not turning to God for counsel, the person starts to get into “identity crisis”.
Let’s look at Jesus. From the Gospel of Matthew all the way to the Gospel of John, He went about everywhere and anywhere to whomever who needs His touch! He was prepared.
Have you ever seen any soldier fighting a battle without being ready for a battle/ caught surprised? Did not the Bible say that we OUGHT to be READY, IN AND OUT OF SEASON?
Therefore, conclusion is that, the anointing is to be worn upon our bodies like clothing. It has to be upon us, daily and every second!
In order for us to be leader, we ought to BE LIKE JESUS!
Notice that whenever Jesus was out ministering, people are always reaching out to Him and always wanting Him to go to their house for dinner? He is like a celebrity BUT MORE!
Now, know what I meant by “BE LIKE JESUS?” Be the one who will minister to others, to help others, to heal others! Don’t be the one who sit by Gate, Beautiful, waiting for things to happen! Be the one to make things happen!
2 Kings 6: 6
6 So the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float.
After the axe head flew off, the son of prophet went to a man of God. The man of God asked a “million dollar” question to the son of prophets. He asked “Where did it fall?”
When ministry/ life become a routine and it does not bring forth results, we got to be truthful to ourselves to find out what went wrong. Jesus said “They shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall SET THEM FREE”
Truths always set people free! It brings freedom to, both the “offender” and those who wants to help. BE HONEST AND TRUTHFUL!
1. NOTICE where we lost it.
- Where we lost that passion, to who and what caused the “downfall”?
If I were to tell you that I am in your country, lost! You too, will ask me that same “million dollar” question “where are you now?” Is it going to help when I say, “I don’t know” or “I think I am here/ there?” Definitely NOT!
If I do not know where I am, how am I going to expect others to know where I am or where I’m lost at? Likewise, if I do not know where I am, how am I going to go to my destinies?
2. We GET HELP from someone “HIGHER” than us.
2 Kings 6: 6
6 So the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float.
This man seeks for help from those who can help him. He HUMBLED himself and let the man of God GUIDE him. He did not care about his “outer man” or pride.
Never be too concern about their “outer man” than to STRENGTHENING” their inner man!
3. Go to someone who still have that “cutting edge”
2 Kings 6: 6
6 So the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float.
As mentioned in the passage, the man of God cut off a stick. This shows that this person is still sharp and not routine in life! He has the ability to impact and to touch lives!
The person who challenges you to be better than what/ who you are today is the person who is able to help you. Be humble, teachable and have a willingness heart/ attitude to learn. In the midst of learning, build a dependency upon God.
God wants us to be Earth Shakers and History Makers! How can we shake the earth when we cannot impact? If we cannot impact others, how can we be History makers?
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